Combining Newborn with Family Photos - Baby Jonah | Portland Family Photographer

Many of our clients want photos that capture their whole family and their connection together, not just the newborn baby. Mary contacted us looking for newborn photos, but also photos of her toddler daughter, husband, and fur-baby, and them connecting as a family. And getting families together, laughing and playing and just enjoying each other is what we love doing!

We send out questionnaires prior to client sessions, just to get to know our clients a little bit better before we hang out for an hour or so, and Mary’s responses were so great. She told me the unique things about her family is that her husband George is funny (which he totally is), her daughter Eleanor loves puzzles and hates her picture taken, and that Mary is very tired! I laughed for several minutes as I could totally relate, and I instantly loved this family.

Eleanor got over her hatred of photos pretty quickly because I don’t make sessions about smiling at the camera and sitting still. I asked her to play with her family and tell me her favorite silly words and love on her brother. She knew how to do ALL of that, and she wanted to show off her skills. Voila! 3 year old child no longer hates pictures!

Getting your family together to do family photos does not have to be a painful process after all!